With reason: Hamish, Megan, Vikram.
Without reason: Alex.
-We need at least £300 initially for the teatowels. Hopefully we can raise this by cake sales etc.
-Mr Clark has agreed to meet with Olivia, who should try to arrange an appointment asap.
-Olivia is to create the draft letter/form for the teatowels.
-We all need to bring diaries to all meetings from now on. This will make it easier to keep a note of deadlines.
-Everyone in the team will be needed to sell cakes. Vikram is to collect the money to buy in the cakes, Emily and Hannah to buy them.
-Anyone who hasn't given their £10 to Vikram should do so by next week.
-We need to approach the school thrift shop and see if they like the idea- Olivia?
-People to work (almost solely) on the thrift shop: Hannah, Ruth, Aileen, Olivia.
-Ruth and Aileen to look into hosting/prices of websites.
-If Vikram has not already priced teatowels, he should.
-Megan (and 3 others- Abi and Alex?) needs to propose the thrift online idea to the school thrift shop. With charts or graphs and a proper presentation if possible. Confidence is important to selling our idea, so make sure to practice.
-Please note we will be meeting from 1:05 on Wednesdays from now on.