Thursday, 30 September 2010

Minutes for 30.9.10

With reason: Hamish, Megan, Vikram.
Without reason: Alex.

-We need at least £300 initially for the teatowels. Hopefully we can raise this by cake sales etc.

-It was suggested that we create a target to raise, and keep a note of how much we have during the fundraisers.

-Mr Clark has agreed to meet with Olivia, who should try to arrange an appointment asap.

-Olivia is to create the draft letter/form for the teatowels.

-We need to make a note of all important dates: dates of fundraisers and what needs to be done for them. We should do this by planning backwards, i.e. having a set date to have arranged each aspect of the fundraiser, estimated/target profits, prices etc.

-We all need to bring diaries to all meetings from now on. This will make it easier to keep a note of deadlines.

-Olivia has a meeting to arrange dates for cake sales at MES.

-Everyone in the team will be needed to sell cakes. Vikram is to collect the money to buy in the cakes, Emily and Hannah to buy them.

-Disco- in addition to the facepainting, we want to provide makeup and straightners etc.

-Anyone who hasn't given their £10 to Vikram should do so by next week.

-Thrift online- We hope to provide an itemizing service to the shops, and to charge for this and the initial setup of their shop on the website. We are also hoping to ask for commissions on each sale.

-We need to approach the school thrift shop and see if they like the idea- Olivia?

-We need to approach possible sponsors- Aitken & Niven, Alteration shops.

-People to work (almost solely) on the thrift shop: Hannah, Ruth, Aileen, Olivia.

-We need to start focussing on actually delivering our products. Planning is fine, but we need action!

-Ruth and Aileen to look into hosting/prices of websites.

-We need to arrange timing, teams and each member's responsibility.

-If Vikram has not already priced teatowels, he should.

-We need a decision on the photographer: student, one of us, or a professional?

-Megan (and 3 others- Abi and Alex?) needs to propose the thrift online idea to the school thrift shop. With charts or graphs and a proper presentation if possible. Confidence is important to selling our idea, so make sure to practice.

-Please note we will be meeting from 1:05 on Wednesdays from now on.

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